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Don't confuse this deck with any simple Tarot! This amazing 2-sided deck is a wonder of spirituality, mysticism, and divination.  On one side of the deck is the Enochian Watchtower Tarot, its four suits of 22 cards each are filled with symbolic information related to the Enochian system of magick, considered by many to be the most powerful magickal methods ever discovered.  The other side of the cards features The Western Tattvas Tarot, an extension of one of the few Eastern traditions used by the Golden Dawn where the elements are associated with simple geometric shapes.  You can work with either side of this Tarot.  The cards are designed so the symbols and images on both sides of any card are related. You can learn more of the meaning of one side of the card by looking at the other. The full-size book that comes with this set includes the divinatory meanings for both sides of each card, explanation of all symbolism, and will enable you to master these two powerful magickal systems.

The Enochian Skrying Tarot Deck


    © 2018 by Gale Nicolai

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